Thursday, 15 March 2012

Going AWOL from life

Don't we all wish that we could just take a break from our godforsaken lives. Like the character Charley from 'The Third Level', or like Sophie from 'Going Places'. If you don't ,I guess you haven't given your board exams yet.

So anyways, Surprisingly, I've started daydreaming ! A LOT ! As Sheldon Cooper would say, I'm aboard the 'Train of thoughts'. The tiniest little thing can distract me. Tranquilizers seemed like the best way out, but it isn't easy smuggling a bottle of morphine is it.

The truth is, we're all living in a parallel universe, a world of imagination, made up of 'what if' and 'I wish'. Wouldn't it be great to live your life all over again? You could undo all your mishaps and start over from the point where you hadn't made all the mistakes that you did. Seems like a great idea.

But after a point, we all have to realise that those mistakes were what made us the person we are. Those were destiny's way of telling us what not to do. Had it been a perfect 10/10 life, it would've been a pretty boring one. I mean think about it this way, all the tiny moments of happiness you come across are because of your misdoings in the past ! They're what changed the course of your life. Suppose you took a wrong turn in your life. No sweat ! If you know your destination, you're gonna reach it no matter what road you tread along. In fact the new, unforeseen path is gonna help you come across new people, it will bring out a part of you that you never knew existed. And just maybe, you might even find someone who'd guide you to your destination. So My philosophy in life is, don't
regret anything you do. Cuz in the end, it makes you who you are. :)

And by the way, its my B'day tomorrow ! I know that after 10 years I'd read this blog , and wish to be 17 again, so that i could un-write this post. Have fun everyone. Meet you on the other side. :)